Networking Breakfast: UA Food Systems Research and Collaboration in the Southwest Borderlands

Networking Breakfast: UA Food Systems Research and Collaboration in the Southwest Borderlands
Date/Time: Friday, May 3rd from 9-10:30 a.m.
Location: ENR-2 S-495 (1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85719)
Does your research or teaching engage questions around food, food systems, food ways, and/or agriculture in the Southwest Borderlands? The UA Food Systems Research Lab (co-led by the Center for Regional Food Studies (CRFS) and the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS)) invites you to join us on Friday, May 3rd, from 9-10:30 am for a relaxed gathering of the minds to connect and share about current food-related work and opportunities for university-community collaborations. Please RSVP by completing this short Google form by Friday, April 26th, so we can order enough food to share. All are welcome - students, faculty, staff, and community members!