CLIMAS Colloquium Series - Climate & Health in the Southwest


10:30 a.m. – Noon, Nov. 3, 2017


University of Arizona

Please join us for presentations about CLIMAS projects focused on climate and health. These presentations will focus on project overview, background, and goals, and will leave time for discussion and input from colloquium attendees.

This event is open to the public - Join us to hear about exciting new CLIMAS research, and contribute to an ongoing dialogue about CLIMAS projects going forward!

Heidi Brown & Erika Barrett
Applying vector-borne disease projections for climate and health strategic planning in Arizona

Gregg Garfin & Sarah LeRoy
Accidental Tourists: Adventures in Climate and Public Health in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region

Ben McMahan
Heat and vulnerability in the U.S. Southwest - Assessing connections between social and environmental risks across multiple timescales

Videos of the presentations (slides + audio) are available on the CLIMAS YouTube Channel.

Note: there was time for a few questions at the end of each presentation, but we also had an extended discussion that spanned across the presentations at the end of the event. This discussion occurs in the final 5-10 minutes of the video for McMahan's presentation.

Presentation audio was captured from the webinar stream using room microphones. These microphones make it easier to hear audience questions and discussion, but their automatic leveling results in occasional garbling of the audio during crosstalk, and the webinar stream is easiest to hear/understand using headphones.

Webinar Option
These presentations will also be available as a webinar for remote attendees. To register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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Title Project Dates
CLIMAS Colloquium Series