Diana Liverman

Her tenure and disciplinary home is in the School of Geography and Development where she contributes to the human-environment/political ecology/governance cluster and helps to coordinate the BA in Environmental Studies. Dr. Liverman maintains an affiliation with Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute. She is the founder of the Carson Fellows program at the University of Arizona which trains students to better communicate their research.
Dr. Liverman's expertise and research interests focus on the human dimensions of environmental change, connecting earth and social sciences to understand challenges of drought and climate change, climate policy, climate change communication, food security, land use, and international environmental governance.
She has been an active member of national and international advisory committees on global change including the US NAS Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, the NOAA Global Change Advisory Panel (which conceived of the RISA program) and the Inter American Institute (IAI) for Global Change Research. She was a member of the new National Academy of Sciences Committee on America's Climate Choices which advised the US government on responses to climate change She was the chair of the scientific advisory committee international Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECAFS) program. She recently co-chaired the ICSU Transition Committee for Future Earth and is a member of the NCADAC for the National Climate Assessment. Her editorial board roles include the Annual Review of Environment and Resources and Global Environmental Change.