The USDA Southwest Climate Hub and CLIMAS are partnering to provide a webinar highlighting the intersection of production agriculture, air quality and climate. As global demand for agricultural products continues to increase, agricultural systems will need to become more productive, while also adapting to a changing climate. Environmental impacts to food safety, security and production in the coming decades are critically important. While it is known that agricultural production systems are impacted by air quality and that air quality is impacted by production systems, these systematic relationships often remain ill-defined. Research and management topics requiring further exploration include agriculture and dust related hazards, herbicide and pesticide drift issues, and other air-quality related production impacts.
In this webinar, Dr. Dave DuBois, New Mexico State Climatologist, will present the results of a national air quality and production agriculture synthesis focused on expected impacts in a changing climate. Dr. DuBois will synthesize and present the current state of knowledge regarding air quality impacts on production agriculture, and vice-versa, within the context of weather conditions and a changing climate. This national synthesis as part of a larger project of the USDA Climate Hub Network, the Agricultural Research Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to identify, elucidate, and respond to critical questions about agricultural production and air quality, which are strongly linked to United States food security, public safety, and health. For more information, please contact Skye Aney (Southwest Climate Hub) or Ben McMahan (CLIMAS).
May 18, 2020 - 2:00 pm (MDT), 1:00 pm (Arizona - PDT)
Note: 1pm start time is PDT/AZ, but 2pm in MDT/NM
Register here: https://arizona.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yx6qfQgYT1Kylw6TN0HNmQ