CLIMAS Colloquium Series - Mar 3, 2017


10:30 a.m. – Noon, March 3, 2017


  • Friday Mar 3 2017,10:30am-Noon
  • ENR2, Room N595 (map)

Please join us for presentations about current CLIMAS research from:

Alison Meadow - RISA: An Ethnographic History
This project focuses on collecting the early history of the NOAA RISA program, primarily through interviews with the founders and analysis of early program documents, to understand how the foundational principles of the program have helped to shape RISA over the last 20 years.

Jeremy Weiss - Viticulture, Temperature, and Arizona
Recent and continuing work by University of Arizona Cooperative Extension is making more climate information available to Arizona growers in order to improve wine grape production and profitability.

Mike Crimmins - Evaluating Drought Indices Using Modeled Soil Moisture Time Series
This project assesses the performance of simple drought indices relative to potential soil moisture regimes, by developing long-term, daily resolution soil water profile climatologies for four Southwest locations.

George Frisvold - Crop Abandonment: The Role of Climate and Economics
This project asks: Why are millions of acres of US cropland abandoned each year?

This event is open to the public, feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested in attending.

If you would like to attend the meeting remotely, email Ben McMahan ( for details.