Valerie Rountree

Valerie Rountree is a 2015 recipient of the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) Climate & Society Graduate Fellows Program.
Abstract: In March 2015, the City of Tucson Office of the Mayor will hold a half-day summit on Energy and the Economy with policy makers and business owners in Tucson to discuss the economic opportunities associated with increasing energy and the use of renewable energy. The purpose of Valerie’s CLIMAS project is to enhance the summit and evaluate its success in engaging participants and initiating action on energy efficiency and renewable energy in the private sector. The project will include three parts: first, a pre-summit survey of prospective attendees will be administered to get baseline data regarding participants’ opinions and knowledge of energy efficiency. The results of the survey will also be used to tailor the content of the summit to participants’ interests. Second, a post-summit survey of attendees will be administered to evaluate the impacts of the summit on attendee opinions, knowledge and perceptions. And third, follow-up interviews will complement surveys to evaluate whether participants plan to implement energy efficiency measures. The results of this project will be used by partners in the Mayor’s Office to enhance the 2015 Summit and improve summits in future years.